
  • Starship Troopers Game Rts
    카테고리 없음 2020. 1. 24. 05:05
    Starship Troopers Game Rts

    Any games like Starship Troopers? Theres actually a Starship Troopers game if i remember right. Yup here it is: https. I only remember RTS's and Space Marine being a TPS. And i guess Space Hulk which is a top down twin stick shooter of sorts. To bad both of the Starship Troopers games didn't recieve as high of scores as Starcraft did. I have the first Starship Troopers game that was released in 2000 for the PC but sadly I can't get it.

    1. Starship Troopers Game Support
    Starship Troopers Game Rts

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    Starship Troopers Game Rts
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